ME: Did u know according to the stories once a gentile woman came to him begging a miracle for her children and he said "I am the feast set by the Lord for his Chosen People, I am not come for you, or yours." and the woman said to him " Rabbi, even dogs scrabble for scraps under the richest table"
IVAN: True
ME: He healed the children
IVAN; I am not surprised they killed him exclusivity is always precious to the pious
ME: Me neither and yu know they still behave the same now
IVAN: yes always. the enlightened are seldom welcomed. Yu must write ok
ME: what?
IVAN: write, always write. Just write
ME: yes
IVAN: Good
ME: but it hurts
IVAN: Its a gift, supposed to hurt
Me: ok. What u having for breakfast?
IVAN; im thinking now maybe kippers
ME: cool