
Monday, 27 June 2016

Tradução para Português! MANscapes...

- Quando as mulheres sofrem abusos emocionais, como eu e tu, Clara; uma parte de nós aprende a acreditar que somos indignas de amor, que merecemos o mal que recebemos. Então nós entregamos-nos a pessoas como o Walker. Que nos amará, oh sim ... Mas ... Não é amor bom, Clara. É amor vampírico. Amor que dói e nos sobrecarrega, que nos suga as energias, que se alimenta das nossas almas.

Os dedos magros de Sylvine acariciaram suavemente os cabelos de Clara úmidos de lágrimas, e ela sussurrou:
- Então como meninas magoadas contamos a nós mesmas a velha história do amor incondicional para nos consolarmos: temos de dar de nós, e dar generosamente; e então um dia, aquele amor mágico vai transformar os indignos em merecedores.

Ela fez uma pausa,
- Mas sabes, Clara, quem nós acreditamos que não merece amor, quem queremos transformar, não é aos outros, é a nós mesmas.

- Não ... - Clara gemeu.

- Sim. A verdadeira transformação só acontecerá - a felicidade, Clara! - quando aprendemos a aceitar o amor como a dadiva de outra pessoa. Quando finalmente aceitarmos que merecemos receber por direito do nosso valor aquele mesmo amor que damos e damos tão obstinadamente sem esperança de retorno.

tradução para Português:
MANscapes: Journey into Light

Manuela Cardiga

SURPRISE!!!! "Desire's Detective" jumped over a million positions in one day in AMAZON'S paid ranking....

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#111,713 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

#866 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Mystery, Thriller & Suspense

#10248 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Historical


In glamorous 18th Century Versailles someone is murdering the Court Jesters.

Courtesan turned Detective Noelle de Jouissance is ordered by Louis XV to investigates the hideous crimes, and finds herself embroiled in the sex-mad Royal Family erotic secrets; her virginal sidekick - novice-nun Desiree - is being pursued by the King's lecherous brother; the King is out to seduce the Queen and her Mistress, and the only clue to the killer's identity is a tattoo on his scrotum...

"Desire's Detective" is a tongue-in-cheek take on the sexy shenanigans of Louis XV's sinful court; a heady mix of comedy, drama, eroticism, murder-mystery and historical tit-bits that are guaranteed to be totally inaccurate.

A deliciously raunchy Historical Romance!

Saturday, 11 June 2016

SCREAM!! MURDER IN D-MINOR JUMPED 150.000 positions overnight in Barnes and Noble to 10.133!

Murder in D-Minor
Publisher:Manuela Maria Manuela Cardiga
Publication date:03/10/2014
Sold by:Smashwords

BookSales rank:10,133


Wednesday, 8 June 2016

GOLEM OF PRAGUE still climbs in AMAZON!

#522 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > World Literature > Jewish

#647 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Historical > Jewish

#681 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 15 minutes (1-11 pages) > Literature & Fiction

So flattered my little story has found an audience!

Saturday, 4 June 2016


the slipper dropped
from a dainty foot
said they,
but i think
that foot
was most likely
by the hard journey
of a desperate life,
scarred by the burning
heat of the kitchen's
cinder path

the slipper dropped
but the hand within
the matching
shimmering glove
was better suited
to scrubbing an iron
fender than to receiving
the tender kiss
of princely love

the slipper dropped
and the fantasy melted
the crystal shattered
under the hammer blows
of the ticking clock

the slipper dropped
and sinewed arms
lacking the charms
of a velvet-sweet
porcelain maiden's
gathered up
the unravelling 
drab rags 
of an hour's treasure

the slipper dropped
the mice abandoned
the sinking dream
and she trudged home

Manuela Cardiga